Plan your visit
What is it?
Time Odyssey is a day out at a local museum for 7 - 11 year old school children, it includes coach travel grants, offering a day of exploration through a tablet based game supported by museum staff and teachers.

Photos by Lily Holman

Photos by Colin Davidson

Photos by Colin Davidson

Photos by Colin Davidson

Photos by Colin Davidson

Photos by Lily Holman

Photos by Colin Davidson
Photos by Lily Holman
Pupils participating in Time Odyssey at the Great North Museum: Hancock, Newcastle. Photos by Colin Davidson
Why take part?
It’s free for schools! Also, schools can claim up to £500 towards their coach transport.
Time Odyssey supports KS2 subjects and skills… including historical empathy, visual analysis, critical thinking and communication.
It’s fun – pupils get to see the real thing and have an exciting new experience. These visits can change perceptions of what museums are like, and spark a desire to return.
“It was fun to work together as a team and helps the bond grow stronger with the person you're working with.”

What happens?
Supported by teachers and museum staff, children will work in small groups of 2 or 3 to explore the museum. While having fun tackling various challenges on tablets, they will learn to observe and appreciate the objects around them. Before they leave, each pupil will receive a badge featuring their favourite character and a bookmark as momentoes of their Time Odyssey!
"The children had a great time and really enjoyed the trip. It's amazing that it is fully funded so small schools like ours can have access to these sorts of visits."
Yr 4 Teacher
Visit schedule
Most groups arrive between 10-10.30am and leave at 2pm, with a break for lunch. This allows time for the full Time Odyssey experience and some free time at the end to explore some other galleries in the museum. Visit schedules vary according to journey times and school timetables. Example schedule below.
10.00am - 10.30am
Welcome and introduction
10.30 - 11.00am
Journal of Returning
Roman gallery one
11.00 - 11.30am
Vessel of Stories
Roman galleries two and three
11.30am - 12.00pm
Amulet of Power
Medieval gallery
12.00 - 12.30pm
Dining hall
12.30 - 13.00pm
Cloak of Safekeeping
Fossils gallery
13.00 - 13.30pm
Finale and evaluation
13.30 - 14.00pm
Free time
Dinosaurs exhibit
Travel Grants
Schools can apply for travel funding up to a maximum of £500. To apply for financial support, please fill in the form below or download it and send it to:
- Book your Time Odyssey experience through your local museum
- Book your coach travel
- Fill in the form and attach an invoice from your school addressed to Art Explora for coach costs and proof of travel from the coach travel provider.Download the form
- You will be reimbursed after your Time Odyssey experience is completed